Outdoor Retailer+Snow Show 2018 – CGear Sand-Free Mats and Footwear

by Brian Mullin on January 30, 2018


CGear technology allows sand and dirt to fall through them and the patented weave keeps it from working its way from the ground up so any gear you put on the mat stays clean. Their collection ranges from personal sized mats for backpacking to RV sized mats, drone landing pads, soft beach towels and beach bags, and a new footwear line.

CGear Multimat was originally designed as a deployable helimat to eliminate dirt, dust, and debris from being kicked up by the helicopter’s rotors when landing. The product was so successful in eliminating sand, dirt, and dust from helicopter landings that we applied it to camping sites. Sand and dirt fall straight through the mat to the ground beneath-but not back up through the mat. The CGear Multimat is ideal for outdoor living areas and provides a sand and dirt free area for camping sites. The Multimat can be used as a shade mat (90%+ UV protection) and as windbreak break mat for screening.

For further information refer to www.cgear-sandfree.com



SANDLITE is a new weave created with a softer and lighter material that easily folds into a small bag to carry. With this softness and undeniable comfort, SANDLITE is just like any towel or picnic blanket on the market with the unique benefit of being SAND-FREE!


Ventolation Footwear

At the show, they introduced the ventolation and it’s patented outsole design that is soles with holes. Ventolation has designed a sand-free, rotary ventilated shoe enabling sand, water, and air to pass through and not build up under the feet. Ventolation looks like any normal shoe until you look closer. We have designed a patented system providing a swift abatement system where sand and waterfall through the perforated insole to the built-in columns underneath.

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