BCA T3 Avalanche Rescue Package – Intro Backcountry Skiing/Riding starter kit

by Brian Mullin on August 30, 2022


The BCA (Backcountry Access) T3 Avalanche Rescue package is a smart purchase for those looking to gear up for their first backcountry experience or for experienced backcountry travelers wanting to replace their old, outdated equipment. This 3-part package comes with our industry-leading Tracker3 avalanche transceiver and harness, our extendable B-1 EXT avalanche shovel, and our quick deploying Stealth 270 avalanche probe.


Snow Time!

The Tracker3 has Tracker’s renowned ease of use and instantaneous real-time display. The beacon is designed to be “pocket-friendly,” and T3 is the choice of guides, mountaineers, and the weight-conscious crowd. This transceiver uses Signal Suppression (SS) and Big Picture (BP) modes for no-nonsense multiple-victim searching. Motion-sensing auto revert-to-transmit mode. Upgradeable software and electronics performance testing for Tracker3 fleet management. All transceivers include harnesses and batteries.


The B-1 EXT avalanche shovel is both light and extendable for weight-conscious skiers and snowboarders that prefer the comfort and functionality of an extendable shovel. The Bomber line boasts an off-the-chart strength-to-weight ratio, while taking up minimal storage space in your pack. Remember, the excavation process in an avalanche rescue is where the most time can be lost or gained.

  • The 6061 aluminum BCA Bomber shovels feature an oval shaft with a more packable, bombproof, “ferrule-less” blade, ergonomic grip, and T6 heat treatment.
  • Includes an end cap on the shaft, which prevents snow from building up along the inside.


Our Stealth 270 avalanche probe features the easiest and fastest assembly on the market, with no loose cable to cause hangups. The top segment stealthfully nests inside the next probe section, reducing the number of segments and size of the probe bundle when disassembled in your pack. Equipped with depth markings for measuring snowpack and/or victim depth to determine the dimensions of the excavation area before shoveling. Our Quick-Lock hardware allows for the best packability and deployment speed on the market. Stealth probes are built to last and save valuable seconds during an avalanche rescue when time matters.


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