DOD helps you spend better time outdoors with friends and family. It has been a leading outdoor gear company in Japan since 1997. DOD makes products for those who favor thoughtful design, style, and quality. Their gear makes camping delightful, whether sleeping, lounging, cooking, or eating. They bring cozy outdoors.
Sugoi Chair
DOD Sugoi Chair – A Cotton Canvas Portable Camping and Backpacking Chair Adjustable to the Ideal Height and Seating Angle for Any Outdoor Activity. Other camping chairs have one seating position: low or high, reclined or straight up. And whichever chair you bring along on your trip, that’s how you’ll sit for the whole trip. The Sugoi Chair solves that problem by adjusting to all seating positions. Whether enjoying a meal with your family around the table or roasting marshmallows around the campfire, the height and angle of our Sugoi Chair adjust to suit the occasion.

Good Luck Table, Far upper right – Pera Moe Fire Pit
Good Luck Table
The Good Luck Table is the only camp table you’ll need. It has large storage pockets under the table and packs into a thin carrying case. You can also use it as a shelf in the back of your SUV to organize your gear. The table features 4 adjustable heights, so you can choose whether you want to sit and use it as a coffee table or raise it up to use it as a camp kitchen counter.
Pera Moe Fire Pit
If you want to leave no trace but have to have a campfire, you need the Pera Moe Fire Stove. The collapsable stove keeps your fire up off the ground and avoids starting a wildfire. Airflow inside the fire stove is designed to increase burn efficiency, which means you use less fuel for the same amount of heat and get less smoke.

Left- Sugoi Chair, Riight – Multi Kitchen Table
Multi Kitchen Table
The multi-purpose kitchen Table makes camp cooking easy and helps keep your campsite neat and tidy. With just one touch, assemble a large-capacity cabinet. The hardtop provides a stable cooking work surface. Three internal rigid shelves keep cooking gear and ingredients organized and out of the way. A zippered enclosure keeps the bugs out.

Bottom – Tequila Table, Top – Camp Glove, Shuriken Blow Poke, Pour Over and Chill Set
Tequila Table
The Tequila Table, available in large (L) and medium (M) sizes, is a durable and versatile camping table. The L size includes three slats for a wider surface, while the M size comes with two. Made from tough iron, it can withstand use over a bonfire and features a special coating that is resistant to peeling under heat. The table’s design allows for various configurations by adding extra plates and legs or using one-by-wood for customization. Its wooden edges provide a comfortable grip, and it has been updated to scratch-resistant beech wood for enhanced durability.
Camp Glove
Enhance your campfire experience with our specialized heat-resistant gloves. Designed from aramid fiber, they can briefly tolerate temperatures up to 900°F. While sturdy, they’re not insulators, so always approach hot items cautiously.
Shuriken Blow Poke
No true campfire aficionado can watch a fire burn; you have to manage it, making adjustments from time to time to keep it going just so. The Shuriken Blow Poke helps you do just that. The hollow tube lets you blow directly into the deepest part of the fire, while the ninja-throwing-star-inspired end lets you push and pull burning logs and coals into place. The Shuriken is a must-have accessory for all campfire lovers.

Uma Folding Wagon, Uma Folding Table Top, Pour Over and Chill Set
Uma Folding Wagon
This is not your ordinary collapsing beach wagon. High gauge steel and a powder coat paint job make this collapsible wagon super rugged. It can handle heavy loads like firewood and the camp water supply.
Uma Folding Table Top
Convert your folding carry wagon into a table with this solid oak tabletop. With this, there’s no need to bring another table. The wagon is sold separately.
Pour Over and Chill Set
Introducing the Pour Over and Chill Set, your perfect companion for relaxed coffee brewing during camping adventures. With its combined trivet and drip stand functionality, this set ensures hassle-free coffee preparation wherever you go. Its unique design adds a stylish touch to outdoor coffee sessions, offering exceptional stability and versatility. Chill by the bonfire or easily create a mini kitchen setup, making every outdoor coffee experience memorable.
Soto Sleeping Pad
The self-inflating Soto Sleeping Pad’s 4 inches of open cell technology lets you take the comfort of memory foam on your next camping trip. You won’t feel any roots or rocks through this pad. The pad self-inflates to 70% max firmness. If you like a soft bed, you can stop there. Or, if you prefer a firm mattress, use the pillow pump to top it up. It has a cotton sheet, pillow, pillow cover, and carry bag. It comes in S, M, and L sizes.
Moto Dome Tent
The Moto Dome Tent is a small, two-room tent. Its design is perfect for campers who appreciate the advantages of separate rooms in the same tent but still need a smaller tent. It’s inspired by motorcycle touring tents but works great for any camping. The inner chamber is mesh-enclosed for sleeping. The outer chamber, or vestibule, is a place to hang out away from sun, rain, or bugs. Parking a bicycle, motorcycle, or gear is a safe space in the evening.
Kamaboko Super Tent
DOD Outdoors’ multi-functional super tent, the Kamaboko, is the centerpiece of the perfect base camp. Comfort in camp requires more than just a place to sleep. You also need a place to get out of the sun, out of the rain, away from the bugs, or get some privacy. The Kamaboko offers all that.
A range of accessories sold separately lets you customize the tent to exactly meet your needs. The Kamaboko has an inner tent that attaches to the ribs and can easily be removed when not used.
Kamaboko Theatre Screen
Entertain kids in camp in the evening with the Kamaboko Theater Screen. The screen attaches to the last rib of the tent, creating the perfect surface for the project video (projector not included).
Kama Zashiki
The Kamaboko Super Tent converts to a lounge with this removable tent floor. Spread it out, hook it to the tent frame, pile up rugs, blankets, and pillows, and lounge comfortably. The raised edges keep everything in place. Roll it up and set it aside when you need to put that section of the tent to another use. Perfectly fits the free area of a Kamaboko Super Tent with one inner tent installed. The Kama Zashiki can also be used independently, even without a Kamaboko. Lay it down for a picnic, sunbathing, a place for kids to play, etc.
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