Just like the Master of the Sea, Poseidon watched over greater Athens, and the Lava Gods at LavaBox watched over you. They want to keep you nourished and warm with a straightforward device forged in the likeness of Poseidon’s greatest weapon, the Trident. The mighty Trident is two burners in one.
One side creates a focused, fully adjustable flame for cooking.
The other side produces a great campfire, reaching outputs of 280,000 BTUs!
Both burners are seated in a stainless-steel shell worthy of the gods!
The Trident includes:
- A Trident…but not Poseidon’s
- Over/Under Grill Thingy. The coolest 2-in-1 thing on the planet
- 10 Hades Stones- Our ultra-light ceramic weave insulating stones that can get greasy and wet – Not your ordinary lava rock!
- Steel-braided regulator and hose with safety cut-off valve
- 280,000BTUs of fire-breathing madness
- A hot date with Athena.
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