Outdoor Retailer Snow 2019 – Brew Dr. Kombucha, OSTRIM, Country Archer

by Brian Mullin on February 18, 2019


Brew Dr. Kombucha

In 2006, Matt Thomas started Townshend’s Tea Company with the idea of serving great teas in a casual teahouse setting. Then we began making kombucha in the kitchen of our first teahouse using the same great teas we served to our guests. It got so popular we decided to bottle it, giving it the name Brew Dr. Kombucha. Each batch of Brew Dr. Kombucha we make is crafted from the beginning. We start with the same loose-leaf organic teas we serve in our Townshend’s Teahouses. Then we blend in organic herbs, fruits or other botanicals. We believe kombucha is good for everyone, everywhere, and any occasion. We love sharing our knowledge and passion for tea while pioneering new and exciting beverages. Our tea-first approach ensures we make authentic, organic, 100% raw kombucha. We take our time to do things right and believe our “no shortcuts” approach is always worth the effort. The flavors include Clear Mind, Citrus Hops, Vanilla Oak, Happiness, Lemon Ginger Cayenne, Love, Mint Lemonade, Spiced Apple, Superberry, Uplift, Ginger Tumeric, and Strawberry Basil.

Thoughts => I liked the Love with its Jasmine and Lavender infused flavors, Clear Mind with green tea and Rosemary, and Vanilla Oak with Black Tea and Vanilla. Tasty stuff!



Protos Foods Inc. was founded in 1996 on the belief that consumers have become more focused on wellness and the significant role that nutrition plays in a wellness program. The Company’s first line of products was OSTRIM Beef and Ostrich Meat Sticks, designed for people who are serious about their nutrition. This line is made from a combination of naturally-raised ostrich meat and lean beef with no fillers. OSTRIM was the first and remains the #1 sports nutrition meat snack in the US market. The company’s vision is to continuously offer products that offer excellence in Nutrition, Flavor, and Convenience.


Country Archer

Country Archer makes high-protein, gourmet meat snack, including a variety of jerky, meat bars, and sticks. Their Original Beef Sticks have an authentic flavor of 100% grass-fed beef, while the Jalapeno Beef Stick add a touch of zing and zest, and lastly, the Rosemary Turkey Stick is made from tender, antibiotic-free turkey meat.

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